Rhesus incompatibility, what you must know.


Today, a 35yrs old woman came to the hospital, she said her husband and family members have been accusing her of eating her unborn babies because of the numerous miscarriages she has had. The tears and pains I saw in her eyes compelled me to write this article.

You must  have heard about rhesus factor and wonder what it is really about. It's also possible that you haven't heard about it, but then it is important you know everything about it and it's incompatibility complications.

In this article, we will discuss what rhesus factor and it's incompatibility complications is all about.

What is Rhesus Factor? 

Rhesus factor is a protein found in the blood cell. If this protein is found in the blood cell of any individual, that person becomes rhesus positive. 

For example, if a person's blood group is A, and that blood cell has the rhesus factor, It is A+ but if the rhesus protein is absent, that person is rhesus negative( A-).

What happens when mother is rhesus negative and baby is rhesus positive?

When a rhesus negative woman marries a rhesus positive man, the baby would possibly be rhesus positive.

When this happens, the rhesus negative blood recognizes the baby's blood as a foreign body, and then develops antibodies to fight the baby. These antibodies then crosses the placenta, and can lead to miscarriage or birth defects if the baby is born.

What blood types are not compatible for pregnancy?

A rhesus positive woman can marry anybody , as her body won't develop antibodies to fight the rhesus protein.

While a rhesus negative woman would develop antibodies against the rhesus protein, if she marries a rhesus positive man and eventually gets pregnant.

What is the treatment of rhesus incompatibility?

If a rhesus negative woman who has not had an abortion or has not received blood from a rhesus positive person gets pregnant, her first child is safe.

However, if she goes for abortion or blood transfusion, a drug called RHOGAM should be given to her 48-72 hrs after that.

Also, after her first pregnancy and subsequent pregnancy, this drug RHOGAM which helps her not to develop antibodies should be given to her 48-72hrs after each delivery.

What are the symptoms of rhesus incompatibility?

When the rhesus antibodies crosses the placenta, it fights the baby's blood cell and can lead to miscarriage.

But, if the baby is eventually born, he or she develops several birth defects, which includes, Jaundice, kernicterus, and other brain diseases etc.


In order to avoid these complications, rhesus negative mothers should endeavor to get this drug ready before the time of delivery.

They should also tell their doctors about this, if have had abortion or blood transfusion or previous miscarriage before the pregnancy.


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